Monday 17 December 2012

What I’m learning from my current edit

Firstly, it is not going quite as quickly as I had hoped. Some things are still getting in the way of my writing time, but not as much. I had thought that it would not take me quite as long as it has with each chapter to fill in the gaps in the story, and bring the characters off the page.

Secondly, there is still a long way to go until it is as perfect, or near as can be, as I would like. I am happy with the story itself and the way it is moving forward. It is a lot clearer now. It is the finer detail and the visualisation of the characters I worry about. I have them, and the setting, so clearly in my head, that I’m not sure they are making it to the page; that I might only be thinking they are making it to the page.

Thirdly, I still care about my characters and where their lives are going and how they interact with each other. I’m eager for their story to be great, but their story. It has grown with them, and although I try to direct it a particular way, they must find their own way there. I love that about writing, learning with them.

So, a long way still to go, but I’m making good progress. I would rather do it properly than quickly. I will certainly need at least another couple of drafts after this one. And I may need to use my critical friendships between drafts to make sure some of what is in my head reaches the page.

Happy Scribbling

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