Saturday 8 September 2012

Change in Mindset

I have recently discovered a change in my own behaviour during the editing process.

The editing process does takes far more concentration and work than the initial draft. My first drafts are free and easy, they flow and it doesn’t matter about grammar, spelling, punctuation or even plot. I am just trying to get the story down.

I am currently editing my fantasy novel. This is the first real run through with a red pen. Previously my editing has been more fiddling, and then starting again.
The process hasn’t been as driven. This time I’m trying hard to make it right.

For example, when editing work before, I have thought, “That doesn’t quite work, but I’ll pick it up on the next edit.”

Not this time.

I am reworking, or rewriting until it does work. It is taking longer than I planned but I’m sure I’m getting a better story out of it. I will need to read it through again, and there may be some changes still required. So this isn’t a final draft. But it is much closer to that final draft than I would have produced with a second draft before.

Some of the areas I’m focusing on include:

·         Characters are consistent and real;
·         Need for additional characters in a scene;
·         Magic consistency;
·         Timing;
·         Readability; grammar and punctuation;
·         Spelling – particularly character names;
·         Movement of plot – that each scene is moving the story along; and
·         Appropriate description.

I have cleared my desk and I’m working well in the study. My notes are on hand and the whiteboard (with character links and world info) is visible. I didn’t get as much cleared out of the study as I had hoped. But it is a better working space and I know where everything is.

I am continuing to keep a writing log for this project, which details my aims for each writing session, what I achieved and how well I thought it went. This can only help improve my processes and my writing.

Despite the year slipping by at an alarming rate, I still aim to have this novel finished by the end of the year.

I hope your projects are working just was well.

Happy Scribbling.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Spring Cleaning

With spring rumoured to be just around the corner I thought it was time to do some spring cleaning. The only real signs of spring here in Tassie are the blossoms. We get a hint that the weather might be on the turn and then we get snow.

It doesn’t have to be spring to get things organised. It is the idea of shrugging off the winter coat that drives some need to freshen the house at the same time.

I’m not the best housekeeper, but things usually end up pretty close to where they should. Of late I have been very focused on my study and the house is starting to show signs of neglect. My daughter heads to the washing or ironing basket to find clothes before trying a drawer.

But the push to organise came because I can’t find my notes, or edits when I get the chance to sit down to write, and so I end up doing something else.

Therefore my study needs an overhaul as well. My desk has become a dumping ground, even the cat struggles to find a place to sit. I have notes and books and bills and birthday invitations and printouts in haphazard and unrelated piles. I can’t find a space to even write a note. And working on the computer has become frustrating as I get the mouse caught on one of the many piles of papers.

My aim is to start by clearing all the rubbish out of the room and clearing the bookcase. I have a beautiful bookcase but it holds everything from a power drill to an old camping stove. Once I have that cleared out, I can start using it to store all my books and notes. This will help clear the desk to make it more workable.

Then the filing.

By the end of the weekend I should have a clear and workable study again. It might take a little longer to get the rest of the house to where it should be; but with a tidy study at least I will be writing and happy.

Happy Scribbling.