Saturday 29 October 2011


The cat and I have made a truce. We fight a lot, usually, and we are both to blame. Well. OK. She’s a cat and so it’s mostly my fault. But only mostly. I’m not taking all of the blame. My fault is that she spends too much time home alone.

I have had a super productive weekend. Two assignments completed, next week’s lectures and tutorials read and absorbed, next week’s tutorial assignment drafted.  There is still a lot I want to get done but I’m well under way.

Most of this I did with the study door closed. As soon as I opened it she was in, and on the keyboard, or nudging me and breaking my concentration. This was followed by yelling and removal of cat and door slamming and possibly some sighing.

I know, I can hear you saying it, she’s just a cat.

So, in a flash of brilliance, and I have those sometimes, I put her snuggle house on the desk. And it was like magic. She was straight in and sitting quietly and we were both happy. I could work uninterrupted and she could rest knowing I was just there, within sight.

Now how do I get the same with the child do you suppose?

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Smelling the Way...

Every time I pour hot water over a Bushels teabag I think of my grandfather. Every single time. I am instantly transported back to the old kitchen, him sitting at the head of the heavy kitchen table stirring his sickly sweet, hot black tea.

I don’t have mine the same. In fact I have milk and only one sugar, where he had three. But that initial smell of hot tea is just the same. It makes me smile, some days it makes me sad and other days it is only part of a second that the thought is in my head but it still appears. It doesn’t happen with other brands of tea either. Only Bushels. It must have been the brand he drank, but I don’t remember.

Funny how the nose can be such a link to the past. That sense of smell.  My grandfather died nearly twenty years ago and didn’t live in the house I visualise him in for the last ten years of his life. Is there something significant about my early childhood visits to that house, or did he change tea brands when he left the old place?

I had a similar feeling this morning when I dropped my daughter at school. The main school building is a similar style to one of the primary schools I attended, although in a different part of Australia, but they all smell the same. Is it a primary school thing? Is it related to the red brick building or the children in it? And surely we were different kinds of kids to those of today?

Smell is so important and can lend much to our writing. A smell can evoke a feeling, transport us to our childhood terrors, or joys, or wonders. It can remind us of lives lost, loves lost and new lives given. I shall try to ensure my senses include smell in my writing today. And while I’m out and about I will try to see what else I can smell and where it takes me. Just thinking about where the two scents from above have taken me has also provided some ideas for stories. Where will your nose take you today?

Happy Scribbles

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Time Poor

Do you ever get the feeling that you have taken on too much? Don't get me wrong, I love everything I am doing at the moment but over the last few weeks I have struggled trying to get everything done that I have wanted to. And so when something had to give, I'm afraid it was the blog.
It may not have been the best choice to go. But as the assignments, weekly submissions, lectures, tutorials, exercises, quality family time and the need to write daily piles up, somehow the blog fell off the list. "No one really reads it anyway," I may have comforted myself with at one point. And the only scribbles making it to the kitchen door at the moment are shopping lists and reminders for housework, and then I'm behind with the vacuuming.

I don't want to sound like I'm whinging. Because I really am enjoying all of my writing at the moment. We have set some challenging tasks for my writers group that have been lots of fun. My fantasy novel is moving along reasonably well, despite me not quite knowing how I am going to get to the end yet. I have some small changes/edits for my first novel to complete and that can be submitted to a publisher (that in itself is scary, exciting and pushed down the list a little). My Masters course is fantastic, I'm learning so much and even though some units are a little more challenging, I am loving every minute.

So, I have a heavy workload at the moment but not only am I enjoying the work I am doing at the moment, it is what I want to do, to get me where I want to be.

Happy Scribbling

Sunday 2 October 2011

It Only Takes 10 Minutes

Taking 10 minutes to jot down some ideas can be very useful when you don’t have as much time to come up with an idea or simply as a brainstorming exercise. This could be for blog posts, I recently listed 4 or 5 topics I could discuss with some dot points just to get me started; some short story ideas, different names or places. They may not be used straight away but they all help to jog the muse when she doesn’t want to play. There are times that I have ideas all week to blog about but when it comes to Sunday morning they all evaporate.  With some ideas already there it is just a matter of picking one and fleshing it out, or reviewing the list might spark another idea.

As part of this process I have started thinking about what I want to achieve with my writing next year. Not to start but just to think about things. What did I always want to do that I haven’t yet. What has been recommended as a good idea to improve my skills? What can I think of to improve my skills or productivity? Is it entering competitions, another course, joining a new group (maybe a readers group)?

On a recent lunch time outing I steered away from the bookshops, in case I saw something to add to my reading pile. And chances are high; I always find something I want. Instead I found myself in a wondrous shop filled with stationery. Another little problem of mine and of course I made a purchase.

My find was a handy planner, come note book, that fits easily in my handbag. I am using it to list all of my goals, annual, monthly, weekly, daily and measure how they are going. And of course these all relate to my long term goals.

Truth be told I am a planner anyway. I like to have an idea about what I want to achieve each but sometimes all the little stuff gets in the way of the bigger picture. I wrote recently about energy management and time management and they are important but it is also worth reminding yourself about the overall goal, the long term ones that you are doing the daily tasks to achieve to ensure you are on track and that they are still what you want to achieve.

I will review the ideas I’m mapping out for next year over the next few months to ensure they are working towards my long term goals and that they are reasonable and achievable. But I don’t want to spend the time I should be doing other things planning for next year. A friend of mine, many years ago, would spend all of his study time mapping out his study and in the end there was little time left to do any actual study.

Goal setting is a tool to help you achieve what you want to achieve, don't let it get in the way of the goals. A lot can be achieved in just 10 minutes.

Happy Scribbling