Monday 9 July 2012

Glass slumping and the procrastination monster

When I feel overwhelmed by all I’m trying to do I find my mind doesn’t quite function as it should. And I’m a little overwhelmed at the moment. Partly because my day job has been exhausting over June and I’ve had little creative energy left for anything outside of work.

When I get stressed I tend to start thinking at strange tangents.

So the little creative energy I have had I have been using to find something artistic to enrich my life. I’ve researched glass and ceramic classes and considered getting the camera out again and focusing on photography.

But it took some time to realise that I am already doing something like this – my writing. And these ideas take from my writing time, that researching classes robs my writing time.

In my search for some stress release I found I was procrastinating, and in many ways only adding to my stress.

At least I am able to see this for what it really is.

So instead of taking up a new hobby I have taken some time to refocus on why writing is important to me and what I want to write. Which it turns out is not very different to what I have been thinking about and working towards for some time. I just needed a bit of a kick.

I have looked over a variety of advice to beat procrastination (again, and yes that is in a way another form of procrastination). I have decided to try using a writing journal. This will be a notebook where I map out the aim of my next writing session, then how well I thought that session went and how close I came to meeting the session goals.

This may help cut down the email checking I do before I start writing because I only have an hour of a morning before the getting ready for school madness starts and a clear plan/aim/goal for that hour would help guide me straight into writing.

Happy Scribbling