Monday 14 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from my daughter 

I had a restful holiday, sleeping in, reading books, watching movies, visiting all sorts of exciting places. Just what I need in a holiday.

And then yesterday was the last day. After my last lie in for a while, I sat down with a pen and large whiteboard and spent some quality time planning. I have to admit that I was a little lax over the holiday period. I didn’t follow my usual plans, hardly opened my planner, and didn’t do nearly as much writing as I thought I would.

My planning session looked at what I had achieved and what I needed to get done yesterday to meet my uni commitments and to catch up a little. I was child free, so that did help a little. I wrote down absolutely everything I wanted to do, what I needed to do and even some of the things I would rather leave off (like the vacuuming).

Everything scribbled down together.

Then I worked out roughly how long I thought each task would take and what needed to be done first. I always feel so much better (calmer) when I see things down as lists.

I had no illusions that I would get it all done in one day. Most of it was feasible but I would be working non-stop and I needed to eat, rest and some items on the list would probably take longer than anticipated. That was the reason for prioritising. The most important first and then I could work from there.

I also mapped out my next week and the week after that. This was a little easier as I was starting back at work and I knew I would have far less time during the day for writing and studying. Planned blocks of time, like appointments, are easier to work to. So I may only have an hour a day for working on my fantasy novel now, but it is a very productive hour (and it certainly was this morning).

It was a great day. I did work through most of what I wanted to and all of the most important tasks (or those with deadlines) were completed.

Of course everything is part of the bigger picture. It all leads to my big goals in life. And my weekly lists, and daily lists, all relate to my monthly goals. I know where I’m headed this year and so far it is looking great.

I hope you are starting this year with renewed vigour and eager to continue on your journey. If you’re not sure where you’re headed, take a little time and plan the way.

Happy Scribbling.