Wednesday 6 February 2013

February already?

It has almost been a month since I have posted. This year is slipping by so fast.

I have been battling against a bit of a block lately. It stemmed from a uni assignment that just didn’t seem to be working in my head and then I couldn’t sit down and do anything.

In the end I forced myself into the chair to work on the story. Even if it was rubbish to start with I had to get some sort of story out. I was also getting dangerously close to the deadline.

It turned out to be the best thing I could have done. Things changed a little once I reworked it but once I got that first draft down the world seemed a lot easier to deal with.

Now it is all done and submitted I have allowed myself the chance to have a think about some of the other projects I’m either working on or working up to. I still have a lot to work with my fantasy novel edit, but I want the chance to do some other things as well. I am looking at spending a little time each week outlining and plotting the trilogy I started thinking about a couple of years ago.

I always come back to my current work being more important and so the trilogy has gone untouched. Images and ideas for it swim into focus occasionally and I write them down but I would like to get the full structure organised. Then once I have finished my current edit I can get straight into it.

In the last couple of weeks I feel like I have gone from zero output and flat to clear focus and regular writing again.

The next time I get stuck I will have to remember to just sit and write. It can be hard but, for me, it seems to be the only way. If only I could remember that earlier in the blocked processes.

Happy Scribbling