Friday 21 December 2012

Happy Holidays

I have noticed this year that Christmas has become somewhat non-denominational.

To the point there is no real mention of Christ at all. I’m even getting a little overexcited if I see anything vaguely Christ related or religious.

So in that vain, I wish you all a very merry Holiday (for whatever it means to you) and a safe and happy New Year.

I am taking a little break from blogging over the holiday period (only a week or two) to enjoy some writing time, quiet time, fun time with the kiddies and possibly too much merriment in general.

I’ll be back in the New Year.

Happy Scribbling Christmas

Monday 17 December 2012

What I’m learning from my current edit

Firstly, it is not going quite as quickly as I had hoped. Some things are still getting in the way of my writing time, but not as much. I had thought that it would not take me quite as long as it has with each chapter to fill in the gaps in the story, and bring the characters off the page.

Secondly, there is still a long way to go until it is as perfect, or near as can be, as I would like. I am happy with the story itself and the way it is moving forward. It is a lot clearer now. It is the finer detail and the visualisation of the characters I worry about. I have them, and the setting, so clearly in my head, that I’m not sure they are making it to the page; that I might only be thinking they are making it to the page.

Thirdly, I still care about my characters and where their lives are going and how they interact with each other. I’m eager for their story to be great, but their story. It has grown with them, and although I try to direct it a particular way, they must find their own way there. I love that about writing, learning with them.

So, a long way still to go, but I’m making good progress. I would rather do it properly than quickly. I will certainly need at least another couple of drafts after this one. And I may need to use my critical friendships between drafts to make sure some of what is in my head reaches the page.

Happy Scribbling

Sunday 9 December 2012

Writing Groups

A good writing group is a wonderful thing to have.

You can make new friends:
And friends are important to keep you going when things get tough, keep you up when things are good and see you through the blocks.

Source of inspiration:
Sharing stories (and not always written) and writing is a great way to find inspiration for a work in progress or to start you off. I have had a lot of inspirational jolts from general discussion in the group before we even think about the writing.

Critical friendships:
Writing groups are a safe environment to get feedback on your writing and to give feedback to others. This helps with learning how to deal with constructive criticism and how to give it. This can only make you and your work stronger.

Learning opportunities:
Chance to listen to what others are writing and learning. Sharing ideas and learnings is a great way to help others learn. Other members of the group may belong to different associations and so hear about different events, competitions and opportunities for writers.

Providing a reader’s perspective:
Listening or reading other writers work is a great way to get a feel for the rhythm of the words. You can also get an idea of how well something works from those as readers.

Meeting times:
How often the group meets is going to depend on the participants. If you are all not working, then perhaps one afternoon a week; or after work once a fortnight; or the first Sunday of the month. It is going to be different for everyone.

Our group meets fortnightly; it was the way it was when I joined and we have continued. It seems to be the best spacing for us; and we rotate meeting venues.

How to join a writing group:
Look at writers centre newsletters for groups in your area;
Talk to friends and other writers;
Attend a writing course – it may be that some of you will connect well and want to continue meeting after it finishes (both groups I’ve belonged to formed this way); or
Look on line – there are lots of forums out there where you can connect with others and share your work.

Happy Scribbling

Saturday 1 December 2012

Planning and Goal Setting for 2013

It is that time again, to consider how we have been going meeting this year’s goals. And thinking about what we want to achieve next year.

Now, honestly, I have already been thinking about next year, and I regularly check how I have been going this year.

Let’s start with 2012.

It was not quite as productive as I hoped. But I know why. It was the level of study I took on. Now I loved every moment of that and I learnt so much and have found whole new areas of writing I would not have previously considered. But I know I’m not going to get my current work in progress finished and I really hoped I would.

I don’t want to look at this year negatively. There is still a whole month to go and I have learnt and read and written a lot. My aim is to continue through the rest of the year and refocus for next year. I have already managed to reach my goal with the number of novels I read.

Here are my writing goals for 2013.
(I have other non-writing goals, such as recarpeting the house, but you wouldn’t be interested in those…) Please note that these are not in any order of importance.

Submit current work in progress to publisher. (Which means it will be finished).

Draft book 1 of Trilogy. (This was a goal for 2012, but it had to be dropped).

Investigate other publishing opportunities – such as short stories; sci/fi and fantasy mags; competitions.

Complete Master of Arts.

Read all books beside the bed (currently 19 – and I haven’t been into a book shop, or on Amazon in ages – it is hard people, very hard).

Investigate creation of website.

I think this is enough to keep me challenged. One of my aims for this year was to put some writing examples on this site. But it isn’t possible. I’m not quite sure what I want to share yet in terms of lots of writing, but I want to expand on the blog. Any changes will be updated here.

Happy Scribbling, and planning.