Thursday 7 June 2012

First Written Rejection

I'm so excited to share the news that I have received my first written rejection.

My first rejection was by non-response. So this one has been tacked up on the study wall.

Part of me doubts my first novel will ever be published but I am going to send it out again into the scary world to see what happens.

In any case, I will continue writing.

Happy Scribbling

Tuesday 5 June 2012

The Connection Between Reading and Writing

My current subject at Uni is looking at the importance and the connection between reading and writing. That is that one does not or cannot exist without the other. It is an interesting point and timely.

My mother has chastised me recently for not having enough faith in my own writing and not sending it out into the world.

‘But I have,’ I whined.

But not enough I whispered to myself.

The only way I can really call myself a writer is when others are reading my writing. My reading my own, apparently, is not enough.

So, I hear you sigh. She is going to refocus, again.

Well, yes I am; and no.

In light of where I want to be, that is a published writer, people will at some point read my writing. I am most comfortable with novel length writing, but I also need to work a little on short stories and memoir. Other forms in general, let’s say. Poetry has had its run methinks.

Part of this change has been spurred by my assignment this term - to write something for publication in the university magazine. I have thought about this previously but this form of writing has taken a backseat and my novel writing has taken over. I do think there is room for both – I just need to watch even less TV and try not to read so much.

Reading is important and I feel that I learn a lot from the books that I read; both those I enjoy and those I don’t. Writing more than reading I think. If I’m not getting my book written because I am too busy reading someone else’s novel – well it’s not good. Balance is the key.

I have some new points to focus on with my study – confidence and my powers of description (which are currently lacking). The more I write the better I get, so more writing it is. And that was my aim all along.

Happy Scribbling